Guardando tra le gallerie proposte da Repubblica questa mattina ho trovato questo dfortografio thailandese.
Il progetto che ha portato avanti ne giugno 2012 mi è sembrato molto attuale e interessante anche perchè ho potuto constatare la stessa senzazione pohi giorni addietro nella matreo di Parigi: tutti (gran parte) dei passeggeri erano ipnotizzati dai loro smartphone.
Questo è quello che dice il fotografo nella presentazione della sua galleria:
"After staying in New York City for one year,
I went back to Thailand in the summer of 2012. The biggest thing I
noticed was that several people now own smart phones. On the public
transportation, they were always obsessed with the little personal space
on their hand. Everybody was looking down and cut off from the outside
world. At that time although I was being in my hometown, a feeling of
unfarmiliarity gradually emerged. I decided to do something to express
that disoriented emotion. I got into the subway, shouted out a random
word completely unrelated to the situation and then captured that
moment. It was the moment when everyone was coming out of their small
worlds and noticing the presence of public space."
Buona visione della galleria.
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